In this article:
Most of the research on processing and quality control of Australian dried vine fruit (dvf) was carried out by CSIRO in Merbein until 1978. Many changes in production and processing techniques have occurred in the ensuing period as a result of the need to produce low cost, high quality dried fruit.
This report is the result of a one year Community Employment Program grant which allowed several areas of dvf quality and processing to be examined.
It also forms part of an ongoing research program into dvf quality being conducted by the Vic Dept of Agriculture and Rural ffairs (Intro p 1).
Investigations were carried out into four areas of production and processing of dried vine fruit (DVF) during the 1983/84 harvest – and are reported on here.
Research Project series no. 209, July 1985 (Vic. Dept of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)
Aspects of dried vine fruit quality and processing
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