In this article:

The changes in linalool and other major volatile compounds in extracts from Muscat of Alexandria grapes were followed during the course of ripening and related to changes in reducing sugar and titratable acid.

Some of the volatile components of near-ripe and ripe fruit disappeared during storage of the extracted volatiles, with a concomitant formation of several new compounds.

This work shows that the development of Muscat aroma compounds is most rapid during final stages of ripening and that measurements of sugar and acid content do not give an accurate indication of ripeness from an aroma point of view.

It also illustrates the need to analyse grape volatiles immediately after isolation in order to avoid changes in composition which occur during storage.

Changes in Volatiles of Muscat Grapes During Ripening

1969, Phytochemistry, vol 9, pages 709 – 715

csiro 179

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