The Australian dried grape industry strives for innovation, ensuring its processes are efficient, sustainable and fair.
The role of chitinase and β-(1,3)-glucanase gene expression in the response of grapevines to fungal infection
Final report for DFRDC project CSH 50D (also GWRDC Project no CSH 94/4). Looks to [...]
How much is enough? A keystone issue to align dried fruit production with the policy and technology of spraying in the 21st centruy
In this article: Calibrating spray volumes in grapevines using row-volume methods allows the selected [...]
The use of ethyl formate for space fumigation of dried vine fruit
In this article: Research seeking alternative fumigants to methyl bromide (which is being phased out) for [...]
Further improve drying efficiency of bunches – final report
In this article:Trellis drying is one technology which allows dried grape producers to mechanise harvest [...]
Strategic use of sulphur in disease and pest management programs for dried vine fruit production
In this article:This project (no. DG99001) was established to address industry concerns about the indiscriminate [...]
Ethyl formate fumigation as a replacement for methyl bromide fumigation in dried vine fruit
To develop effective and safe methods to fumigate cartons and bulk bins of dried vine [...]
Improved adoption of integrated pest and disease management strategies by dried fruit growers – final report DAV79 1995-1998
In this article: DFRDC project DAV79 Objectives: • Determine current practices and identify barriers [...]
The effect of dressing oil content on storage characteristics of sultanas and new grape selections for drying
In this article:Dried sultanas are coated with specially developed dressing oil after processing.The application of [...]
Towards residue-free golden sultanas
In this article: Final report DFRDC Project no CSH 39. DFRDC initiated a 3 [...]
Mode of Action of the Drying Emulsion used in Dried Vine Fruit Production. II. The Effect of Emulsion pH
In this article: Alkaline pH is a critical component of the drying emulsion used [...]
Effect of Emulsion Drying Treatments on Sultana Quality
In this article: (in Australian Dried Fruits News). Effect of Emulsion Drying Treatments on [...]
Salt tolerance and water use of sultanas grafted to a range of hybrid rootstocks
In this article: A field trial designed to test the effectiveness of a range [...]
The persistence of biological activity and the degradation of residues of key pesticides used on grapes
In this article:This is a report of research on persistence and biological activity of pesticide [...]
Reduced use of chemicals in production of dried vine fruit
In this article:DFRDC final report for project DAV 71FIn July 1992, the Dried Fruits Research [...]
Implementation strategies for dried vine fruit disinfestation technologies
This report is part of larger project aimed at reducing the use of chemicals, in [...]
Disinfestation of Dried Vine Fruit to Reduce reliance on Chemicals, In Particular Methyl Bromide
In this article:To improve current methods of dried vine fruit handling, storage and fumigation to [...]
Effect of Emulsion Drying Treatments on Sultana Quality
In this article:(in Australian Dried Fruits Association News) A report on trials over the past [...]
Field studies with drying emulsion formulations to improve fruit quality and reduce processing damage
In this article: To extend results from laboratory studies with modified drying emulsion formulations [...]
Soil Fumigation of Sultana Vines
In this article: A survey of plant parasitic nematodes in the Merbein Irrigation Area [...]
2,3,4-trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid as a Spray to Replace Cincturing of Currants
In this article:Describes a trial conducted to investigate a potential method for using 2,3,4-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid [...]
A Note of the Effect of Sulphuring the Sultana Vine
In this article:Following suggestions from several viticultural writers that the practice of applying sulfur dust [...]
Ethylene Oxide as a New Fumigant for Dried Fruits
In this article: The paper details an experiment to determine the value of ethylene oxide [...]
Dried Fruit Grubs – The Ethylene Dichloride Carbon Tetrachloride Fumigation Process
In this article: Describes experiments examining the effectiveness of a combination of ethylene dichloride and carbon tetrachloride [...]