In this article:
Grapevines are a moderately salt sensitive crop. Effects of salinity on grapevines increase with the level of salinity applied.
These include reduced rates of CO2 assimilation, reduced growth, bunch numbers, berry size and yield, and in fruit, higher CI- and Na+ concentrations, reduced sugars and higher acidity.
Rootstocks such as Ramsey have the capacity to restrict the uptake and/or root to shoot transport of Cl- , imparting a higher level of salt tolerance to scions such as Sultana, resulting in higher yields compared with own-rooted vines at higher salinities.
Besides variety and rootstock, other factors affecting growth and yield include composition of salts in the irrigatton water, soil type, irrigation method, depth of the water table, soil aeration, climate. timing of salt applications in relation to growth stage, etc
Grapevine Responses to Salinity
1994, Bulletin de l’ OIV. (Off. Int. Vign. Vin.), vol 67, pages 634-661
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