In this article:
lnflorescences of grape (Vitis vinifera cv. Zante Currant) were excised a few days before flowering and cultured on synthetic media.
Berries developed slowly; they contained normal concentrations of malic acid, but no tartaric acid could be detected.
The fact that cultured berries contained no tartaric acid, but were capable of accumulating malic acid to concentrations similar to those of field-grown berries could indicate that in the intact plant most of the tartaric acid, as distinct from the malate, is transported to the berries from other organs.
However, it is apparent from the slow growth rates that berry development was not entirely normal.
Organic Acid Synthesis by Grape Berries Cultured In Vitro
1971, Phytochemistry, vol 10, pages 1779 – 1781
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