In this article:

Factors affecting quality of Australian dried grapes and table grapes, from the vineyard to the packing shed, and the Export Control Regulations that determine the quality of fruit packed for export.

In relation to dried grapes aspects of quality management in the vineyard that are discussed include trellis designs, pests and diseases, contaminants, irrigation, trellis vs rack drying, optimal harvest time, and curing and finishing off.

Aspects of quality management during processing of dried fruit such as setting of grade standards, grading, and the mechanical steps of processing are discussed.

Similarly for table grapes, vineyard management topics such as trellis design, bunch manipulation, irrigation practice, rootstocks and disease and pest control are discussed; as are topics related to quality management after harvest.

Quality Factors for Australian Dried Grapes and Table Grapes

1993, Paper presented at 73rsd OIV General assembly, San Fransisco, USA, vol 1, issue 20

csiro 1141

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