In this article:
A survey of plant parasitic nematodes in the Merbein Irrigation Area disclosed that citrus nematode was present in large numbers in much of the vine land.
It has been shown that soil fumigation with dibromochloropropene (DBCP) will effectively control citrus nematode, and an experiment was designed to investigate the effects of fumigation on infested sultana vines.
DBCP fumigation of mature sultana vines produced yield responses that might be regarded as satisfactory on 10 of 23 sites.
The responses were better in the third season after treatment than in the second, and could possibly continue for at least another year.
The reason for the response could not be determined so that test applications of DBCP appear to be the only method of determining whether a particular vineyard can be improved by treatment.
Soil Fumigation of Sultana Vines
1966, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, vol 6, month 2, pages 72 – 75
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