Results are presented of some comparative measurements of air temperature made in spring in 1960 and 1961 in vineyards near Red Cliffs (Victoria) when the soil was subjected to four treatments in separate plots.

The treatments used were: Clean cultivation; Rolling; Rolling plus moderate irrigation; Heavy irrigation. The results show that on this site rolling the soil, rolling plus moderate irrigation and heavy irrigation alone cause an increase in air temperature at 3 ft. height of about 0.5 – 0.7oF above that over clean cultivated soil.

In the case of the two treatments involving irrgation there is strong evidence that the temperature difference obtained increases with decreasing temperature.

The Effect of Irrigation and Rolling on Nocturnal Air Temperatures in Vineyards

Agricultural Meteorology, 1965, vol 2, iss 6, pages 373 – 383

csiro 054

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