The Australian dried grape industry strives for innovation, ensuring its processes are efficient, sustainable and fair.
Managing bunch shatter and fruit set in Sunmuscat
In this article: Sunmuscat naturally goes through a period when flowers or flower buds [...]
Sunmuscat fruit set and bunch shatter
In this article: This report (no. DG05002) describes the results of research into factors [...]
Development of rain tolerant drying varieties to meet market specifications
In this article: Production and quality losses associated with rain damage at harvest, the [...]
Evaluation of new rootstocks for dried sultanas – summary
In this article: A project was established to investigate the impact of different rootstocks [...]
Evaluation of new rootstocks for dried sultanas – final report
In this article: A project was established to investigate the impact of different rootstocks [...]
Pollen Fertility and Berry Setting Behaviour of the Grape Variety Carina
In this article: Carina is a significant grape variety grown in Australia to produce [...]
Grapes on Steroids. Brassinosteroids are Involved in Grape Berry Ripening
In this article: Fruit ripening is a unique plant developmental process with direct implications [...]
Optimising Sunmuscat dried fruit quality (berry size and flavour)
In this article: The aim of this project includes identification of vineyard management practices [...]
Sunmuscat Flowering and Fruit Set
In this article: Sunmuscat is a highly fruitful muscatflavoured seedless variety which has been [...]
Matching vine vigour and planting density to maximise dried vine fruit production and quality of cordon based systems
In this article: A potential method of controlling vine vigour is to vary the [...]
Physiological control of vine water use
In this article: This paper considers some of the physiological factors controlling water use [...]
Salinity effects on vines and wines
In this article: The electrical conductivity of irrigation water used for grape production in [...]
Influence of salinity on the transpiration efficiency of grafted and ungrafted grapevines
In this article: The aim of the experiment reported in this paper was to [...]
Effect of Moisture Adjustment on Weight of Dried Fruit
In this article: The earliest reported fertiliser response trials on irrigated Sultana (syn. Thompson [...]
Light and Temperature Effects on Shoot Fruitfulness in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sultana: Influence of Trellis Type and Grafting
In this article: Fruit bud initiation in Sultana is more sensitive to climatic factors [...]
Application of gene technology in viticulture
In this article: Viticulture around the world is based on a small number of [...]